

Dec 24, 2023

Longer semi

Published 17 May 2023

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This summarises some main findings from the 11-year longer semi trailer trial. It also summarises some estimated impacts of their introduction into general use outside of trial conditions, which is presented in the impact assessment.

Estimates compared with the emissions from delivering an equivalent quantity of cargo on standard trailers:

Are also calculated.

Collisions or casualties where LST involved on public highways or public access areas – 2012 to 2021 – which resulted in an injury.

Collision and casualty rate ratio is calculated by LST vs all GB artic. HGVs.

The casualty ratio represents the likelihood of a LST being involved in a collision compared to all GB artics (i.e. a ratio of 1 would mean LSTs and GB artics have the same likelihood of a collision, and a value less than one would indicate LSTs lead to comparatively fewer collisions).

On a per kilometre basis, nationally, we estimate LSTs have been involved in around 61% fewer personal injury collisions than GB articulated HGV average.

This is against a background collision rate for GB articulated HGVs that has been falling for several years.

This table demonstrates the impact and totals over the appraisal period (PV) – 20 years appraisal period, to the nearest £ million.

Notes: These values estimate impacts across society, and are taken directly from the published impact assessment, where a full explanation on their calculation has been included. These impacts are made up of direct and indirect components, which may affect different economic agents (i.e. businesses, individuals and public bodies).

Attribution of these impacts between economy and other impacts can depend on the interpretation of direct and indirect impacts and can vary between the impact of enabling the uptake, and the operating, of longer vehicles.

Such as, considering the gross total benefits of £1,737 million and excluding those that are non-tangible and purely to society (£288 million) this could present maximum total benefits to businesses and government of £1,449 million.

These values are expressed in 2019 prices and discounted to their present value using the green book discount rate.

The total emissions saved over the 20-year appraisal period is 1,200,000 tonnes.

Note: These values estimate the total CO2(e) emissions reduced, and are taken directly from the published impact assessment, where a full explanation on their calculation has been included.